Chapter One

‘Hey, Link!’

Link was walking down the path to the village toward the village when he heard Colin calling his name.

‘Link! Wait for me!’

Link turned to face Colin. Like Link, Colin had blond hair, but otherwise they looked nothing alike. How they acted was a different matter entirely.

The two boys were not brothers, but at times it was hard to tell. Despite Link's blue eyes and pointy ears, and Colin's brown eyes and dull ears, many people said Colin looked like a little Link. However, And indeed, Colin acted a lot like Link, doing what Link did and never leaving his side.

This explains why Link wasn't surprised to see Colin running towards him.

‘Hey, Link! Where are you going?’ Colin asked, reaching Link.

‘Do you always have to follow me?’ Link asked, sighing. ‘I'm going to the mayor's house for supper.’


‘Because he asked me to come.’

‘Why did he ask you to come?’

‘I don't know. Why don't you ask him?’

Colin thought for a moment. ‘Think Ilia had anything to do with it?’

Link ‘Ilia? She barely knows me!’

‘You were pretty good friends before.’

‘That was a long time ago.’

Colin spoke in a high-pitched imitation of Ilia's voice. ‘I'll never forget this, Link! You are so kind!’

Link laughed. ‘You know how long ago that was? Two years.’

‘Well, unless you've done something heroic recently, I can't see why you'd be invited.’

‘The mayor's busy. He's probably congratulating me for something I did a long time ago.’

‘Like what?’

‘I don't know. Like I said, why don't you ask the mayor.’

‘Or you could just tell me after you're done.’


‘Then hurry up!’

‘'K. See you.’

Link continued down the path, leaving Colin behind. He entered the village and found the mayor's house, knocking on the door.

The door was answered by the mayor. ‘Come in,’ he said.

The door was opened by Ilia. She was the mayor's daughter, and her looked kind of Like Link, except, of course, she's a girl.

So. Ilia has light-colored hair. How am I supposed to write that? Oh, yeah. Exposition. chapter One has no point. So why would Paragraph 28? Redo that paragraph.

The door was opened by Ilia. She had light brown hair, bright green eyes, and, being the mayor's daughter, a fairly nice dress. She glanced at Link, then spoke. ‘Link! You look… nice.’

‘You too,’ Link said politely.

Ilia nodded. ‘The dining room is in the back.’

Link nodded his thanks and headed to the dining room.

In the dining room, a table was set for four, though it easily could have seated eight. In the back of the room the wall was covered in windows, showing a spectacular view of the cliffs to the east. Link walked over to the windows and gazed out.

‘It's a great view, isn't it?’

Link turned to see the mayor standing behind him. ‘Yes, it is.’ Link said.

‘Well, supper's ready,’ The mayor said, motioning to the table.

Link turned to see that the table was now brimming with food. Ilia was already sitting on one side. Link sat down across from her, and they began to eat.

In an hour they finished. The mayor rose form his seat.

‘Now,’ he said. ‘As you know, we are having a festival next wee. Rusl has, in the past, served as our guard for the duration of the event, but he was unable to do so this year. I didn't know what to do until Ilia suggested that you might be the right person for the job. What do you say?’

Link glanced at Ilia when he heard her name. ‘Sure,’ he said. ‘I can do that.’

‘Good,’ the mayor said.

‘Anything else?’ Link asked.

‘No, not unless there's something you needed.’

‘Okay, then, I'd better get going. See ya.’


Link left. Waiting for him outside was Colin.

‘She kept looking at you,’ Colin said.

‘What? Who?’ Link was confused.

‘Ilia kept looking at you.’

‘Of course. She was sitting across from me.’

‘Yeah, but still.’

‘How do you even notice stuff like that? I was sitting across from her and I didn't… Wait a minute! How did you know she was looking at me at all? You weren't there!’

‘I saw her. Through the window.’

‘Who invited you?’

‘Who said I was invited? I've seen you eat plenty of times.’

‘Yeah, but then I knew about it. You could've told me.’

‘You would've said no. Listen to yourself. You sound like my mom.’

‘She does get on your nerves, doesn't she?’

‘No kidding. So, what are you going to do?’

‘About what?’


‘I should do something?’

‘Not if you don't want to.’


Is this chapter done yet? Because this pointless chapter is just getting more pointless. Forget everything you have read so far, and don't jump to any conclusions, because nothing, and I mean nothing, in this chapter has anything to do with the rest of the story. Nothing. But it makes for a nice exposition, huh?

It was getting late, so Link & Colin said goodby and went home.

Chapter Two

‘Link! Link, wake up!’

Link stirred. Someone was whispering to him.

‘What?’ he said.

‘Get ready! We have to go. Now.’

Something about their tone of voice made Link feel something was going on. And it wasn't good. He sat up and looked around. And then he saw her. Princess Zelda. Encounters with her rarely ended on a happy note.

Link sighed, got up, and prepared for what was probably going to be a long and dangerous trip. When he was all ready, Zelda said ‘Follow me.’

Link followed her.

When they got outside, Link saw his horse was not alone. A pure white horse, probably Zelda's, stood beside her. Link got Epona ready for travel, then got on. Zelda got on her horse, and they rode off into the forest. As they left, Link wondered just what was going on, but he knew better than to ask. He kept quiet, following Zelda through the forest.

Now it gets good. Link, Zelda, all alone in the forest… Ha-ha, just joking. Or not. This is serious. The world as they know it could (and will) come crashing down on their little heads. See ya, Zelda! What do I mean b that? You'll just have to find out yourself! Chapter End-of-the-Story. I should be done by Oct. 12. Happy? You shouldn't be. You should be horrified. Zelda doesn't wake people up to say “Happy Birthday,” you know…………………

Eventually, they reached a old wooden house. ‘We'll stop here for the day, but we leave tonight.’

Ilia's morning was much more peaceful. No one woke her up in the middle of the night. In fact, no one woke her up at all. She woke herself up around 7:00, leaving her house at 8:15. She looked around, searching for something to do. At that moment, Colin ran up to her.

‘Ilia! Have you seen Link?’ Colin asked.

Ilia shook her head. ‘No. He's not at his house?’

‘No, I checked! I haven't seen him anywhere!’

‘If I see him, I'll tell you,’ Ilia said.

‘'K. I'll see you later, then.’


As Colin left, Ilia wondered where Link was. He could be anywhere, but he usually told someone before he left the village. Having nothing else to do, she decided to check Ordon Spring to see if he was there.


On the way to the spring, Ilia passed Link's house. Why would he have left so early? There was nothing he would need to do at 8:00 in the morning. Most shops weren't even open that early. Unless he needed to go to the Castle… Ilia was sure all would come clear in time.

Link was not at the spring, but Ilia wasn't surprised. She started to head back to town when she heard a horn. It was coming from the village. It was an alert, warning all villagers to hide.

Ilia ran towards the village, arriving just in time to see a troop of monsters leave. Ilia looked around. The village was in ruins.

Ilia searched the village for a sign of life, but found none. Everyone had disappeared. She had to find Link.

Does she really? I mean, that's all she ever does! How 'bout she goes & saves all the villagers herself, instead of making Link do it all the time…

There was only one way out of the village, and that was through the forest. Ilia walked until the path in front of her forked. Both paths led to the same place, but the path to the right led through a cave. Ilia went left.

She soon reached a small wooden house. It had once belonged to a man who sold lantern oil, but he had moved. Now it was empty. Or so she thought.

In fact, it was the very house Link and Zelda had stopped at to rest. Zelda, who was keeping watch, called to Link. ‘Hey, sleepyhead! There's a girl outside!’

Link rushed to the window and immediately noticed Ilia. ‘Ilia! Up here!’ He shouted.